Everything that is available now, available at a retailer discount, and in stock appears on the Retailer Order Form. If you don’t see it there, it’s almost certainly for one of these reasons:

  • It’s not yet available.
  • It’s out of stock.
  • It’s not available at a retailer discount. (In this case, you can still add it to your cart, but you’ll need to use the standard MCG Shop interface, and it won’t have a retailer discount.)

If you have reason to believe the item is available but don’t see it on the Retail Order Form, reach us at support@montecookgames.com, and we’ll figure out what’s wrong!

To gain a retailer account, you need to represent a games retailer with an active physical, brick-and-mortar location. At this time, we can only support retailers in the United States.

When you apply for a retailer account, we’ll verify that your store is an actual physical retail location before approving your retailer account.

When you apply for a retailer account, a human at Monte Cook Games verifies that your retail store is real. This may take a business day or three. If you’ve applied for a retailer account and it’s taken longer than a few days to hear from us, reach out to us at support@montecookgames.com.

Monte Cook Games, LLC
8920 W. 126th ST
Overland Park, KS 66213-1897
United States

Monte Cook Games, LLC
8400 W. 127th ST
Unit 12
Overland Park, KS 66213-2850

If you have a question that you can’t find the answer to, reach out via our Support Website and we’ll be more than happy to assist you!

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