Demo Materials

Looking to run a quick demo at your store? These packages contain materials for demos you can run in 15-20 minutes. They provide an excellent way to teach (or learn) all the key basics of the game and setting in a quick, fun manner.

Most of these demos are meaty enough that they can be extended to as much as an hour, if you want to offer a more substantive demo experience. We also offer multiple seasons of the Cypher Play program of organized play, each of which gives you enough material to run weeks’ worth of games!

We offer a free Demo Resource Kit, filled with physical items that support your demo events. Order it just like other promo materials!

This demo pack is a great way to teach (or learn) the Cypher System in minutes. Your customer plays a short game (20ish minutes), learning the fundamentals of the mechanics as they progress through three quick activities. It supports up to three players at a time. The pack includes:

  • A set of “flash cards” that set the stage, with illustrative art on the player-facing side and introductory read-aloud text on the demoer’s side.
  • The full adventure text containing everything the demoer needs to know about running the session. This is for the demoer to read ahead of time.
  • A quick-reference sheet for the demoer to use at the table.
  • A set of three pregenerated characters.

The Cypher System lets you run campaigns in any genre. This demo uses the Predation setting (dinosaurs and sci-fi). You do not need Predation to run this demo (but customers who play the demo may be interested in checking it out!).

To run this demo you’ll need:

  • The files you download here.
  • A d20 and a d6.
  • The Cypher System Rulebook.
  • A basic understanding of the Cypher System mechanics.

Cypher System Demo Pack

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This demo pack is a great way to teach (or learn) the Numenera in minutes. Your customer plays a short game (around 20 minutes), learning the fundamentals of the mechanics and getting a great taste of the setting as they progress through three quick activities. It supports up to three players at a time. The pack includes:

  • A set of “flash cards” that set the stage, with illustrative art on the player-facing side and introductory read-aloud text on the demoer’s side.
  • The full adventure text containing everything the demoer needs to know about running the session. This is for the demoer to read ahead of time.
  • A quick-reference sheet for the demoer to use at the table.
  • A set of three pregenerated characters.

To run this demo you’ll need:

Numenera Demo Pack

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This demo pack is a great way to teach (or learn) the No Thank You, Evil! in minutes. Your customer plays a short game, experiencing the land of Storia and learning the fundamentals of the mechanics as they progress through a short adventure. It supports up to four players at a time. The pack includes:

  • A set of “flash cards” that set the stage, with illustrative art on the player-facing side and introductory read-aloud text on the demoer’s side.
  • Instructions for using the adventure Lost in Dragonsnot Falls, from No Thank You, Evil!, as a demo game.

To run this demo you’ll need:

  • The files you download here.
  • An open copy of No Thank You, Evil!
  • A basic understanding of the No Thank You, Evil! mechanics and setting.

No Thank You, Evil! Demo Pack

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